General Description of the Job
The Department of Nursing is seeking applicants for adjunct/part-time faculty positions for the following clinical areas: maternal/newborn nursing, medical/surgical nursing, mental health nursing, child and family nursing, community and/or public health nursing.
The University expects that each member of the faculty will display a high degree of professionalism. By accepting and assuming a faculty position, your duties include, but are not limited to, the following professional responsibilities and obligations:
Essential Functions
The following are the functions essential to performing this job.
To maintain professionalism, competence and knowledge of subject matter and strive to keep informed of contemporary development in the field of specialization through reading and research;
To meet each class as scheduled and conduct each class according to the highest professional standards;
To distribute to each student at the beginning of the semester a syllabus for each course containing the course description, course objectives, policies concerning attendance, course requirements, and criteria for grading;
To be available to students for advising and counseling on matters regarding their academic performance and progress in class;
To treat all students fairly, impartially, and with understanding;
To maintain adherence to course descriptions in accordance with the syllabus and the Course Catalog;
To adhere to deadlines and schedules established for the timely reporting of grades and for other matters related to student registration and record keeping;
To keep an accurate and complete class roll book; immediately following the reporting of final grades, a copy of the class roll book will be turned in to the Department Chairpersons. The system for computing final grades should be clearly stated in the roll book.
Masters of Science in Nursing with a focus in the clinical area listed above
Current unencumbered RN license in the state of Delaware
Current clinical nursing experience
Teaching experience in higher education preferred
Simulation experience preferred
Delaware State University (DSU) offers a baccalaureate nursing program which is fully accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).Special Instructions: Interested applicants must apply online at DSU website: If invited for an interview, provide resume/curriculum vitae and three (3) professional references with contact information.
Apply for this posting only if you are interested AND qualified for the adjunct/part-time position in the Department of Nursing. It is important that you specify your area of clinical expertise and interest in your cover letter in order to be considered as a viable adjunct/part-time candidate.