Have a car? Ear a $500 BONUS + $10,000 GUARANTEE whe you sig up to help trasport others to healthcare appoitmets i your ow vehicle aroud North Cetral ad Northwest Wiscosi!&bsp;
At Veyo, we help people get to ad from their o-emergecy medical appoitmets. We’re lookig for drivers to parter with us i your area. Whe you sig up to drive with Veyo, you will drive your ow vehicle ad set your ow… schedule.
Why Drive With Veyo?
No Hidde Fees: You keep 100% of what you ear.
Get Paid Weekly: Moey is deposited directly ito your accout.
Use Your Ow Vehicle: No eed to pay for a expesive lease.
Flexible Schedule: Choose your ow hours ad cotrol how much you drive.
Avoid the Bar Crowd: Most Veyo trips occur betwee the hours of 6:00 AM ad 6:00 PM.
Make a differece i your commuity
To Apply, You Must
Be at least 21 years old
Ow a iPhoe or Adroid smartphoe
Have a clea drivig record (o more tha two movig violatios or accidets i the past three years)
Have a valid drivers licese
Able to pass a backgroud check (o prior feloies)
Able to pass a drug screeig
Have valid vehicle isurace ad registratio
Have a 4-door, 2006 or ewer vehicle
Have 3 years of drivig history i the US
How Does it Work?
Ope the Veyo Driver App ad log o
Accept a trip request
Pick up the passeger at the specified locatio
Drop off the passeger at the specified locatio
Visit our Curret Driver Rewards ad Terms & Coditios: to lear more – https://support.veyo.com/hc/e-us/articles/360022522672-Curret-Rewards-for-New-Drivers