You need basic computer knowledge and a mobile/desktop/laptop. Flexible hours make this ideal for freshers, students, retirees, or housewives seeking work-from-home opportunities.
You will input data accurately and ensure timely submission of your work. Attention to detail and adherence to deadlines are essential.
Dear candidate
Are you looking for a flexible Data Entry Job
Job Role: Fresher /Computer Operator/ Data Entry Operator / Back end office executive work…
skills needed: basic computer knowledge…
As many freelancers work from home and remotely (fro m locations outside of the organization’s workplace),
Mobile/Desktop/Laptop I s Mandatory to do this work
Freshers c an also apply!APPLY NOW….Flexible Work Timings
You can work from home by doing your current activities like job, business or college..
Job Responsibility: you have to submit your work on time .
Its very useful for students, retired person housewife job seekers
For More Details Please Whatsapp This Number – 8375998625 / 7836925572
Thank you
Hr Team
This job is provided by
Are you looking for a flexible Data Entry Job
skills needed: basic computer knowledge…
Mobile/Desktop/Laptop is Mandatory to do this work
Freshers can also apply!
Flexible Work Timings
You can work from home by doing your current activities like job, business or college..
Its very useful for students, retired person housewife job seekers
you have to submit your work on time.